Full Programme & Updates — ASG 2022 Conference

We hope you are able to join us for the upcoming African Studies Group Conference happening at the University of Melbourne from Thursday, 29 September to Saturday, 1 October.

African Studies Group
2 min readSep 25, 2022

In-Person Venue: Rooms 230 (Theatre) & 219, Kwong Lee Dow Building, 234 Queensberry St, Carlton VIC 3053

Download the final Conference Programme

Day 1| 29 September, Summary of Events

  1. Masterclass on ‘Positionality, Power and Participants in Research’ by Professor Karen Farquharson
  2. The Great Debate on ‘A world without borders is a desirable and viable alternative’ between The University of Western Australia and the University of Melbourne.
  3. A launch and review of ‘A Village and its NGOs’ (McNamara 2022)
  4. Public lecture on ‘Decolonising Asylum: Colonialism, Racism and Humanitarianism in the Shaping of Refugee (Un) Belonging in East Africa by Professor Patricia Daley

All events on the day will be streamed via the zoom link below except the Masterclass, which is an in-person-only event.

Zoom Link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86506671962?pwd=ZUtmNDZZWElxb3FJUG16TVoybTFBUT09

Zoom Password: ASG2022

Day 2| 30 September, Summary of Events

  1. Academic Presentations. Sessions include ‘Migrant Resilience and Coping Strategies’; ‘Migrant Experiences and Navigating Resettlement’; ‘Migration Policy and Intervention Discourses’; ‘Gender and Migration Discourse’; ‘Migrants’ Service Access, Provision, and Utilisation’; ‘Migrant Identity Construction’.
  2. ‘Unimelb/Africa strategy’ by Professor Adrian Little
  3. Fireside Conversation on ‘Rethinking Refuge for Refugees in and from Africa’ with Mireille (Mimi) Kayeye, Atem Atem, Dr Louise Olliff, Professor Patricia Daley, and facilitated by Franka Vaughan.

Please note that the academic presentations will be happening concurrently in Rooms 230 and 219.

For those participating on zoom, each room has its own zoom link. Please review the final conference programme to match presentations to zoom links.

Room 230 (Theatre): https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86506671962?pwd=ZUtmNDZZWElxb3FJUG16TVoybTFBUT09

Room 219: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/81569235444?pwd=cFZYWmxTY1JuY1ZoYWFrSUpvWjZuQT09

Zoom Password for both rooms: ASG2022

Day 3| 1 October, Summary of Events

  1. Academic Presentations on ‘Beyond African Emigration’
  2. Community Presentations. Sessions include Covid-19 and African-Australian Communities: Resilience, Service, and Solidarity’ and ‘African-Australian Youth and Migration Experiences’
  3. Special Presentation: ‘Revisiting Set the Tone’ facilitated by Shannon Owen
  4. Dialogue: ‘Realities of Migrant Life: Stories of Resilience’ with Stephen Ho
  5. Special Presentation ‘The Sound of Africa: Drum Voices’
  6. Conference Dinner ‘Little Africa in Australia’ at Ge’ez Ethiopian Restaurant

All events will be streamed via the zoom link below except the Conference Dinner.

Zoom Link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/86506671962?pwd=ZUtmNDZZWElxb3FJUG16TVoybTFBUT09

Zoom Password: ASG2022

We hope to see you either in person or online throughout the conference days. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch via africanstudiesgroup@gmail.com.

You can read more about the conference events on our website: https://africanstudiesgroup.com.au/

Best wishes,

African Studies Group



African Studies Group
African Studies Group

Written by African Studies Group

ASG is an association of researchers with interests in African studies hosted by the University of Melbourne.

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